Thursday, January 20, 2011

Baking with Love

This morning Audrey and I made double chocolate coconut cookies. I measured and Audrey put everything in the bowl. She stirred and stirred until she said, "I just can't do this anymore, I'm tired" We plopped the dough on the cookie sheet and into the oven they went. Audrey waited patiently until the cookies were cooked and cooled to eat.
Since then, Audrey loves to be involved in the kitchen. She is my little sous-chef.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Disney Princess on Ice

Today we took Audrey to see the Disney Princesses on Ice show. At first, Audrey thought we going to Disney World again. She had a great time though. She wanted to see Cinderella, her favorite princess skate first but she patiently waited until Cinderella finally appeared (last story of the show of course). It was worth the wait to see the excitement on her face.