Friday, February 11, 2011

The Next Rembrandt

I was in the family room reading when Audrey comes running in with such enthusiasm. She said she made a picture of a whale. "Come see, come see" she told me. I went to the other room to check things out. To my surprised she drew a better picture of a whale then I could have done. Her artistic skill is blowing me away. She draws houses, boats, people, shapes animals and rainbows.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Francesca is getting so big. She will be 7 months on the 14th. She takes 4 nine ounce bottles and is eating about 8 tablespoons of solids a day. She loves food. She is still a great sleeper, sleeping a 12-13 hour stretch a night, then waking up for a bottle and going back down for another couple hours. She is such an easy going, happy baby.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

School photos

Once a school year, each child gets the opportunity to have pictures taken of them through out a whole school day. This gives the parents a glimpse of their child during a typical school day. Today was our day. We gave the camera to one of her teachers and she snapped away. Here is just a few of what they took.
Here is Audrey in the play firetruck in the Sunshine room. The Sunshine Room is where they go to play to let out some of their physical energy.

Audrey in front of one of the school bulletins boards in her class room.
Painting away. One of her favorite activities.
Sitting with her friend Ty waiting for snack to be served.
Love the straight line preschoolers make.
More sunshine Room photos.
Circle time.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

For the super bowl, Audrey and I went to a get together at the Thousands. It was also Jeff's birthday! We sang Happy Birthday and dug into some yummy birthday cake!